It was not only the beauty of the stones that captivated me, their historical and geological context told me fascinating stories… About how the Greek warriors carried “adamas”, diamonds, as amulets, since they already knew that it was a practically indestructible mineral… Or how these rare miraculous chemicals are the magnificent manifestation of the nature´s power, capable of converting carbon into something as simple as graphite or into something as dazzling as a diamond.
Studying jewelry history made me understand humanity’s special interest in precious stones. Many saw amulets, many others the irresistible ability to distinguish themselves from their peers, but always and in common a special mysticism spread around them. Kings, queens, conspiracies and curses… the legends and myths that revolve around jewelry are counted in the thousands.
And the more and more,I saw the special treatment given to these expressions of art in times past, the further I moved away from the modern concept of jewelry… beginning an irreversible journey towards the search for uniqueness, designing small compositions that shine with the brilliance of the stars. Studied in each of its aspects of beauty, harmony and symbology, relying on both traditional and cutting-edge techniques to always achieve the finish that wanting to be bigger every day demands.
In my more than 20 years of profession I have found the satisfaction of dedicating myself to something that I love, complicating my life by making tangible dreams and ideas whose sole mission is to make people fall in love, express them and have the ability to create a unique bond with their bearer.
Creating one of these pieces is living an adventure through the evolution of its forms, from the moment you think it until you say goodbye in a small box… every second dedicated to them makes me live a precious life.
Alejandro Helios